· Декабрь, 2010

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Статьи на тему французкий с Декабрь, 2010

Африка: Папа Римский наконец-то разрешает презервативы

The news spread around the world in a matter of minutes. In a book released on November 23, Pope Benedict XVI declared that "in certain cases, when the intention is to reduce the risk of contamination, [the condom] can even be a first step toward opening the way to a more humane sexuality, lived differently." African bloggers respond to this announcement.The news spread around the world in a matter of minutes. In a book released on November 23, Pope Benedict XVI declared that "in certain cases, when the intention is to reduce the risk of contamination, [the condom] can even be a first step toward opening the way to a more humane sexuality, lived differently." African bloggers respond to this announcement.

А нашей рубрике французкий
