· Февраль, 2011

Below are posts about citizen media in Russian. Don't miss Global Voices по-русски, where Global Voices posts are translated into Russian! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Статьи на тему русский с Февраль, 2011

Россия: Взрыв в Домодедово выявил противоречия между блогосферой и традиционными СМИ

Social media played a significant role in the coverage of the terrorist attack in Domodedovo International Airport near Moscow. Russian bloggers and journalists discussed the consequences of increasing role of blogs and Twitter in emergency situations. Gregory Asmolov analyzes the roles of the government, traditional and new media in the coverage of the attack.

Россия: свобода слова в Сети в 2010 г

In 2010, as the Internet became an increasingly important medium of communication for Russians—which a 40 percent spike in RuNet’s daily audience (RuMetrica) indicates—the issue of freedom of expression online gained in prominence. To a greater extent than ever before, Russians have begun to use the Internet as a channel for political activism and mobilization, a development that Russian leadership has found unnerving, as evidenced by its efforts to clamp down on cyberspace activity.

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